Get ready to celebrate the HEBREW NEW YEAR at sundown on April 8th, following the event all are talking about: The Northern American Eclipse!

God proclaimed to Moses in Ex. 12:2 that His Hebrew covenant calendar year was to begin with the month of Nisan:

“This month shall be your beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year to you.”

Nisan means “to take flight,” so it was appropriately named since this was the month the children of Israel took flight from the captivity of Egypt and journeyed through the Red Sea to Mt. Sinai.

Nisan is associated with the tribe of Judah, whose name means “praise.” God called for “PRAISE” to go first into their “flight” from Mt. Sinai to the Promised Land (Num. 10). When the trumpet was blown twice, this signified it was time for all the tribes to journey on, with the tribe of Judah chosen to lead out first.  Judah was also the first tribe to cross the Jordan, and the first to be allotted land in the Promised Land (Num. 14). This month is known for FIRSTS!

In Genesis 49:10, we read the prophetic destiny that Jacob spoke concerning the tribe of Judah in the latter days.  “The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh comes, and to Him shall be the obedience of the people.” 

Judah was destined to carry the Messianic ruler ship (scepter), which we can see documented in Matthew 1 that traces the lineage of Judah. Jesus was born out of this tribe when he came to earth to be our sacrificial Lamb first, returning as the King of Kings. This month reminds us to start our day with a sacrifice of praise, and then step out in His authority as He leads.

The tribe of Judah was also responsible for making sure the “tablets of covenant/testimony” were safely passed down from generation to generation until Jesus came.  The “Torah (first 5 books of the bible) was canonized during the time of Ezra and Nehemiah during the 7th year of King Artaxerxes.  Ezra and Nehemiah were both a part of the House of Judah.

As the head of the tribe of Judah, Jesus was then responsible for multiplying God’s law. After His death and resurrection, He continued on with that responsibility by sending the gift of the Holy Spirit to inscribe God’s law on the tablets of the hearts of believers. This gift has been tutoring Christians in this Church Age to walk in faith and obedience to a Coming King of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

Jacob’s son Judah had a notable flaw in his character that was difficult to overcome; the love of money.  In Genesis 37, we read the story of Jacob’s sons who became jealous of their brother Joseph because of their father’s love and favoritism toward him.  After conferring, the brothers decided to throw Joseph in a pit to die.  But Judah assessed the situation and said, “What profit is it if we slay our brother, and conceal his blood?” (Gen. 37:26).

Judah was wired to make a profit. He suggested to sell Joseph, and made a bargain with the Midianite traders who agreed to purchase him for twenty silver coins. The brothers agreed, and Joseph was sold as a slave. As time went by, Judah became remorseful in profiting for selfish gain. Judah’s shame led him away from his family and down a path of bad choices and personal loss.

After a season of heartache, Judah came back to his family with a repentant heart. Not long afterwards, the famine hit in the land, and Judah became instrumental in negotiating a deal to save his family. This deal was made at the expense of sacrificing his own life. Judah’s gift had gone through the “refiners fire,” and God used it to profit the whole family (Gen. 44:14-34).

Judas (Greek for Judah) Ischariot, the disciple who betrayed Jesus, also had this same weakness in his character.  The Bible reveals his greedy heart in John 12:5 when Judas cannot understand why Mary poured costly fragrant oil on Jesus instead of selling the oil and giving it to the poor.  The scriptures go on to say in verse 6, “This he (Judas) said, not that he cared for the poor, but because he was a thief and had the money box, and he used to take what was put in it.”

It wasn’t too long until we read about Judas betraying Jesus by making a bargain with the religious leaders for 30 silver coins (Mark 14:10,11). The stronghold of the need for wealth was more powerful than family ties or intimate relationships once again. Judas, however, ends up taking his own life because of the guilt he bore in betraying Jesus.  

Jesus tells us how difficult the struggle is for those who have a gift to profit once they have accumulated wealth:

“Assuredly I say to you that it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.  And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God” (Matt. 19:23,24). 

Looking around the financial world today, many Jews are the world’s top financiers and control many of the banks, including the Federal Reserve. Left to selfish gain like Judas, they have been used to set up a world money system that is corrupt and never satisfied.  This system is about to experience Gods judgment, and perhaps even this year. But like Judah, if they repent and submit to the Lord’s headship, their gift can benefit the advancement of the Kingdom of God, especially in helping visions “take flight.”

There were three tribes, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun, who were positioned around the Tabernacle on the east side to form a branch.  Judah’s banner of the lion represented this branch, and it was these tribes who worked together to move the whole army out under God’s direction. Judah was chosen to “sound the alarm!”

Starting with Nisan, we enter into the “spring season” with the Lord. This season has a pattern for new beginnings; new seeds to plant, new alliances, and new battles arise during this season.  Kings go to war, praise leads the way, and the authority of Judah sets the foundation. Coming out of the “winter” rest and revelation season guides and directs the movement of the Hebrew year beginnings.  Expect new doors to open up.

This month also honors God’s redemption plan found in Christ and prophesied through the Feasts of the LORD as we celebrate and remember Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and the Feast of Firstfruits (Lev.23).  

When Jesus rose from the dead, He presented Himself as the “FIRSTFRUITS” offering unto the Father in heaven.  Through Jesus, we see the pattern repeat once again where “Judah” goes FIRST. In doing so, Jesus made a way for heaven and earth to reconcile, and for a people (harvest) to be presented to the Father after He returns. 

“But each in turn: Christ, the firstfruits; then, when he comes, those who belong to him” (1 Cor. 15:23).

King Jehoshaphat was one king in the Old Testament whose story captures the heart of this first month. In 2 Chronicles 20, we read about Jehoshaphat’s humility as he seeks the Lord when his army was ridiculously outnumbered and overpowered. “And Jehoshaphat feared, and set himself to seek the Lord, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah” (2 Chron. 20:3).

God gave Jehoshaphat a strategy of winning the war through PRAISE.  Jehoshaphat stepped out in obedience and asked the worshippers to go before His army as God instructed. This opened heaven to help him overcome in time of need:

“Now when they began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushes against the people of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah; and they were defeated (2 Chron. 20:22).

The landscape of seeing the kingdom of heaven here on the earth will shift ahead through the praises of God’s people FIRST. This month, above all else, God wants us to praise Him.  PRAISE HIM in the midst of the chaos! PRAISE HIM as you take flight! PRAISE HIM as you go into battle! PRAISE HIM because you have been CHOSEN to rule and reign in Him! PRAISE HIM for “FIRSTS!”  Your praise will spring you forward into the New Year!


The last Firstfruits of the year begins at sundown on March 10th, which will be the second month of ADAR. Having a second ADAR happens every few years, similar to a “leap year” in the Gregorian calendar, for the purpose of keeping the correct alignment of the months in accordance with the seasons of harvest time to offer the LORD His “firstfruits.”  

Because the second ADAR is added, this Hebrew Covenant Calendar has 13 months instead of 12. Interestingly, when you study the tribes of Israel, Manasseh became the 13th tribe of the sons of Israel, and America lines up with Manasseh’s latter day prophetic destiny spoken through Jacob, then confirmed through Moses as well.” (Gen. 49:22-26; Deut.33:13-17).

…”Let the blessing come ‘on the head of Joseph,
And on the crown of the head of him who wasseparate from his brothers.’
17 His glory is like a firstborn bull,
And his horns like the horns of the wild ox;
Together with them
He shall push the peoples
To the ends of the earth;
They are the ten thousands of Ephraim (England),
And they are the thousands of Manasseh (America).”

America has been in a spiritual battle over her Godly inheritance ever since she was birthed. America is in her greatest hour of wrestle, and the challenge has divided her into two: Trusting in God’s government which honors Jesus as King, or aligning with the governmental enslavement systems that oppose the LORD’s ways. The remnant in America understands the seriousness of the hour: we have come to a precipice when time of judgment of our rebellious choices demands God’s justice. Some will get caught in the shaking, while others will thrive and ascend through it to be used by God for His purpose of redemption.

2024 will reveal God’s consuming fire and a death to the things that oppose Godly leadership, and a resurrection of righteousness, justice, and truth in the earth. God will have His final say and way in America, for she is destined to be His fruitful nation. The question arises then: Who is with Him, and who is without Him through this revolution? There are Christians caught in the web of compromise with one foot in the mixture. And because God is so merciful, the pressure has been applied these past 7 years to force a “wrestle” to awaken us to God alone for answers.

Notably, when there are two ADARS in the year, it seems God’s people need the extra month to prepare for a significant New Year up ahead.  The extra month of “wrestling with the Lord” for His Holy exchange will “crack the code” to challenges we will need to overcome in 2024.  As we let go and slump over into a posture of humility, the LORD will breakthrough and make way for us to enter into a new gateway full of His purpose and provision needed.

The story of Esther gives us a picture of ADAR II. Esther was chosen to be Queen of Persia after a year of intense preparation (Have we all not been in intense preparation!). The king loved Esther more than all other women, and she obtained favor in his sight. But Esther had not revealed her family identity because her cousin Mordecei instructed Esther to keep it hidden. Esther and Mordecai came from the House of Judah (Jews), and he raised her when her father died.

It wasn’t long after Esther was crowned Queen that the King promoted a man named Haman to be above all his princes.  Haman’s arrogant pride and need for power propelled his vanity for the people to pay homage to him.  Mordecai didn’t fall into the trap of pleasing man, but his stance fueled Haman to scheme an assassination plan against the Jews. The execution day was set for the 13th day of ADAR.

When Esther found out about the edict, she fasted and prayed.  It was during the fast that God gave Esther the wisdom on how to expose Haman in hopes to prevent the annihilation of her people. Mordecai’s words helped her in crisis as he spoke truth into her heart:

“…Do not think in your heart that you will escape in the king’s palace any more than all the other Jews. 14 For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this? (Esther 4:13,14).

Three important things to note about Esther’s divinely chosen situation.  First, Esther had to “surrender all!”  She had to gain an understanding that God raised her in a position of power to save the people that required a full throttle risk of her own life.  But through fasting and prayer, she found the strength to step out.

Secondly, Esther’s true identity was revealed through the process of her “wrestling with God” for breakthrough.   Once it was time for her identity to come to light, the door was open for Esther to step into a new level of authority and power.

Lastly, because of Esther’s obedience, the Lord “cut off” the assignment to kill the Jews, and instead, reversed the curse on Haman himself! 

God’s desire today is to use a “Firstfruits” Remnant whom He can entrust to execute His plan to overturn the national edict sent to kill America’s providential destiny.   Each one of us has a gift to bring to the table to see His miraculous deliverance.  We have been born for such a time as this to play a part of the revolution, but it requires each of us not to stay silent and fearful any longer. We need to be bold and courageous, following God’s timing and instruction.  Fasting and prayer this month can be an anointed time to gain faith, wisdom and strategy.  

Esther’s cousin, Mordecai, was from the tribe of Benjamin whose name means “sons of light.” I believe there are many Mordecai’s that God will promote into positions to “govern” SUDDENLY. And while they have been hidden place doing the right thing, God will use their obedience to assist those in positions of influence right now with His strategy and support. This IS the transition we are in TODAY, and God needs “bridge-makers” to make way for the people and the cities to be made free from the death sentence of the evil leaders in the land.

The “Esther’s” will face the principalities (“Kings of Persia” who are in agreement with the edict against Gods people either knowingly or unknowingly). But YOU who are reading this may be Gods secret weapon, and your identity may be unknown among many right now to accomplish this. Expect God to release His favor and opportunity to come before these worldly leaders with the word God reveals. As in Esther’s days, expect also “the golden scepter” to be extended to have authority to speak and make a difference.

The battle ahead for America can appear impossible. But like Esther who understood Gods timing in the matters at hand, the remnant will be equipped with divine strategy. Esther would have pushed the envelope ahead of time IF she hadn’t followed God’s lead by waiting and requesting a second banquet to present her case (Esther 5:8). This is the key piece of the story that is significant for the times at hand. WE MUST KNOW HIS TIMING!

Because Esther executed the plan ON TIME, all circumstances were exposed for the enemies plans to be revealed, and for the overturn to occur LAWFULLY, promoting Mordecai to Haman’s position, and granting Esther to Haman’s inheritance. Within a 24 hour span, the wealth of the wicked was laid up for the righteous.

The knowledge of Gods timing (the Issachar anointing) to know what needs to be done, and how to delegate the plan accordingly, is the secret sauce needed today to have in our pocket. It is a key weapon of warfare.

April 8th begins the New Year (Hebrew Covenant Calendar) with a solar eclipse that all are talking about. God is stirring up the hearts so no one misses the sign of the time. And between now and then, God is giving His “Esther’s and Mordecai’s” the insight of the plot to destroy and abort God birthing us into His overcoming new season. It is in His rest we receive the intel to execute His plan without striving, and where He gets to show off His miraculous increase.

The story of Jacob’s wrestle is also one to lock into this month (Gen. 32). Jacob had to be hit in the hip to get him to stop working through his own effort and striving to make something happen. God loved him too much for Jacob to continue in this manner because it would have eventually killed him. So God caused Jacob (The Saints and America) to get “limp” and lean into Him alone to lift him and give Him what was needed to fulfill the call. America, and the nations at large, are in an impossible situation that needs God’s miraculous intervention. We are now in the critical hour to hear from heaven on how He wants us to advance and overturn the edict. GOD HAS CHOSEN HIS REMNANT for such a time as this.

We must remember to take time to rest in His presence… and listen to His timing and strategy. For it is there God will give us His strength and release the golden scepter to be asked by those in leadership positions: “What do you wish? It shall be given to you- up to half the kingdom” (Esther 5:3).

Not many can the Lord entrust with “half of His kingdom” moving into His purpose with a golden key laced with His favor and authority. I pray you come out of this month FREE to move ahead into the New Year with a remnant of believers who are also preserved for such a time as this, entrusted with His KEY.